January 24, 2025

Truth-telling event to mark January 26

A TRUTH-TELLING and deep listening event led by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners will return to Torquay at sunrise on January 26, 2025, inviting the Surf Coast Shire community and visitors to reflect on the impacts of colonisation.

Pilk Purriyn will return for a third year at Cosy Corner, Warri Dja (Sea Country), starting at 5.30am.

It will feature testimonies from members of one of the seven Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Family Lines, including Wadawurrung Ngarrweet (Senior Male Elder) Uncle Melville Robinson and his family. Uncle Mel said the event provides an opportunity for the community to understand the ongoing impacts of colonisation on Wadawurrung and other First Nations people

“We, the people of Wadawurrung Country, invite the community to join us at Pilk Purriyn, to deeply listen to our Truth-Telling and understand the lasting impacts colonisation has had on Wadawurrung and all First Nations people,” Uncle Mel said.

“Wadawurrung Culture and Connection to Country extends back into the past, so far back that it is almost incomprehensible.

“We ask you to koling wada ngitj – walk forward together – with us.”

The event will include a Welcome to Country, smoking, and dance ceremonies, with an emphasis on deep listening and reflection. People of all ages and backgrounds are invited to attend.

Surf Coast Shire Council mayor Mike Bodsworth said the council is proud to support the event.

“Council acknowledges that 26 January is a day steeped in sorrow for many First Nations people, and proudly supports Wadawurrung Traditional Owners’ staging of their third Pilk Purriyn truth-telling event.”

“Through the sharing of hearts, truths and ceremony they give us a profound opportunity to grow our understanding of their culture and the loss and hurt inflicted since colonisation.” We encourage community members and visitors to attend and take it all in.

“The breaking light of Pilk Purriyn – sunrise and a new day – and the ceaseless wash of the waves provide an evocative backdrop for reflection and sense of connection with people who have known and cared for Warri Dja – Sea Country – for millennia.”

Approximately 2,500 people attended last year’s event, with attendees describing it as “powerful,” “thought-provoking,” and an important opportunity for truth-telling.

Organisers encourage attendees to register for the free event via the Surf Coast Shire Council website to assist with planning and updates.

The event is presented by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation with the support of Surf Coast Shire Council and Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks.

More information, including accessibility support and FAQs, is available at surfcoast.vic.gov.au/PilkPurriyn

Read Surf Coast Times story.

Image credit: Wadawurrung Ngarrweet Uncle Mel and Wadawurrung Elder Aunty Mary exchange Pilk Purriyn message stick. Photo: SUPPLIED

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